Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Remember when it snowed last week?

We had a heck of a storm on Valentine's Day. Overall we got about two feet of snow, and it snowed from midnight 'til midnight. Pretty cool, and my very first "real" storm here in the Cold Place.

This picture was after about 9 or 10 inches had fallen. Paul was trying to cut a path for the mailman, who never had the pleasure of using the path since by the time he came and Paul tried to cut the path again (as it was completely gone 4 hours later) the drift by the road was too high for our snowblower.

paul and the snowblower

This is a shot of the corner. The plows hadn't been through in a few hours at this point.

our corner

The next day I took a picture in the street (see, I go out into the street for you people!).

down the street

And here's the path to the shed. The shed is elevated, so what you see is a little deceptive - there are about two feet of snow on the ground.

snow path to shed

1 comment:

Rhett said...

SNOW!!!! YEA!!!!! It is so beautiful!