Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Our offer on this house was accepted.
(That was quick, wasn't it???)
I'm heading home tomorrow assuming the lender doesn't need anything (papers, money, blood). I'm getting a Christmas tree (dammit! I will!) and gotta wrap before Paul gets home. The better to surprise him with, my dears.


Anonymous said...

Nice! Congratulations! How are the cats faring?

Rhett said...

VERY AWESOME!!! I am soooo excited for you! I am coming up for the summer :)

Have a safe drive home :) Talk to you soon!

Kristy said...

Oh how pretty! Look at the snow! Look at the bricks!!! Beautiful! Hurray for finding a house. That was very fast.

Have a safe trip home. Be careful! :)

Anonymous said...

Woohoo!! Congratulations on finding a house so fast! Now, how close is that house to a yarn store? ;-)