Tuesday, January 01, 2008

It's 2008 - Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I know that New Years Resolutions are so, well, 2007. But I rather like them, corny or not, so here are mine for this new year.

1. Be a better homemaker. This one has a few points:
a. I will try to bake all our bread.
b. I will have a garden this year, and figure out composting.
c. I will never again stand over the frozen section of the grocery at 7pm looking for dinner.
d. I will develop and discuss my housekeeping strategy.
e. No more plastic grocery bags!

2. Kick-start my business. More details to come!

3. Be a blogger.


CygKnit said...

Happy New Year!

We started with a trash can compost bin, to get our feet wet. We drilled holes in it (top & sides) and followed the advice of this webiste: http://www.nyccompost.org/how/backyard.html

The rest I can't help you with, but wish you lots of good luck!

Anonymous said...

Great list! I love our home-baked bread. I need to make it more often!