Monday, March 05, 2007

For the People

Since I've actually won four lotteries lately, I thought I'd share the wealth of my latest win with all you lovely people! Don't spend it all in one place now okay?

CONGRATULATIONS!!!We are pleased to announce to youthe draw of the IRISH LOTTERY onlineProgram held on Saturday 3rd March,2007.Your e-mail address attached to thewinning ticket number: 56475600545 188drew the lucky numbers: 10,13,24,24,25,36,41,08which subsequently won the JACKPOT.You have therefore been approved toclaim a total sum of 1,967,932 Euros.To file for your claim, you are to fillthe form and contact our authorised claimagent on the details below:1. Full Names....2. Age:...3. SEX:....4. Telephone Number:....Mr.Brian Hunt.Tell:+447011128829Email brian_fiduciary@earthlink.netSincerely
Rev. Clerk Philips.

1 comment:

Rhett said...

That's Fantastic!!! Maybe publishers clearing house is next!