Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Pests and Bugs

You guys, I am a slug. A total and complete slug. I start this knitting blog, and then I left you all hanging. Hanging! Well Happy Halloween, I am back.

First off, allow me to defend myself and say that I was, indeed, on vacation. Of sorts. I was staying in the Great White North with my mother-in-law. For some people this would be less "vacation" and more "vision of Hell" but I'm one of the people that luck out and get a mother-in-law who not only doesn't mind that I stole her one and only child away, but likes me. So anyway, for part of this time Paul was actually there too interviewing for jobs. My purpose was more of the househunting persuasion, with the occasional bout of shopping and learning my way around. It's funny how when I'm home I spend time on the internet blogging, looking up stuff, and other assorted internetty things, yet out of town I hardly touch it. See also: knitting.

I didn't really accomplish any knitting while I was out. I got home on Saturday at 6am on the train, which is a time NO ONE should be awake, much less on a train, and slept the rest of the morning in my own happy bed. Sunday I finally gave in and updated my yarn inventory - something that needed to be done, apparently, because there were four partially completed potholders in there - and now I have a grasp of how much yarn I do not need to buy under any circumstances no matter how good the sale is. No matter!

And... I think I caught something on the train. No, I haven't been cavorting with seagulls or chasing live chickens. I do have a little sniffle though, and I think I have to buy NyQuil. I wonder if I have to be fingerprinted or have blood drawn or something to buy NyQuil anymore. Meth lab people: please leave my NyQuil alone. Or at least, use the green flavor only. Thank you.

No really, there are some updates to be made on my knitting adventures. Unfortunately, I can't make them right now. But you should stay tuned. Because you never know.


Rhett said...

I am glad you made it hope and I hope you don't have the chicken flu. I didn't tell you, but I started knitting last week!! I went to Trivia night at the local brick oven place and there was a lady there who was knitting. I started talking to her and moments later I was "casting on", "knitting" and "purling!" I have no idea how to do this unsupervised, but it was great! I am making a dish rag :) I have completed 4 rows. I am going back tomorrow, not for Trivia, but for knitting lessons from her again :)
Later tater, :)

Steph said...

why hello there, I think you need a blogonym... for this blog at least.

Rhett said...


Steph said...

Well yeah. Fake blog names, so that no one finds out my name is Clemmie Gillikin* and yours is Panda Endris* and google us and catch us at the yarn store and ... I dunno... figure out who we are and try to stop the hijinks that will ensue.

* Blatantly borrowed from here. They are real people, somewhere.

Rhett said...

oh cool, i can try and do that :)

Rhett said...

see, i did it :)

Steph said...

clever! ;-)