Monday, March 19, 2007

Quilt in Progress

I finished the teal blanket for my mother-in-law while my mother was here visiting. Of course, in my glee at finishing and my zeal to send it home with its new owner, I forgot to take any pictures. I intend to fix this at my first opportunity.

I also finished the bunting bag. I have no excuse for not photographing it excessively. Please don't shoot me.

I do, however, have a picture of the quilt I'm working on. In fact, I have several progress pictures. But here is the quilt top so far:

40percent pieced

Other than what must be cutting and sewing errors compounding to make these blocks 6.25 inches square rather than 6.5, it's going well so far. The directions have you piece each row into pairs (well, 1&2, 3&4, then sew 2 to 3 and 4 to 5) to complete rows before sewing the rows together. I know I'm committing some sort of quilt blasphemy but I'm sewing 1 &2, 2&3, etc and then row 1 to row 2 before starting row 3. It helps me keep the seams where they need to be, especially since that whole business with all the blocks being the same size is more of a suggestion than something that actually worked out.


Steph said...

Beautiful colours - very summery! Looks like you're doing really well. I have a quilt that I last worked on the day before my 1st DD was born - and now she's 8yo! I really should finish it off..

Sandy said...

well seeing that you did post a picture I think I might let you off the hook this time. It looks great!!

Liz Jimenez said...

Nice quilt! What's the pattern? I love things that look fancy but aren't actually so hard. :-) Might be a contender for the twins...

I'm back in quilt-mode, myself. Taking a class and contemplating fabric selections for the babies. Hopefully I'll be able to start purchasing next week after the ultrasound!